7 Red Aquarium Plants To Make Your Tank Look Attractive

Red is the color of passion and red aquarium plants are as passionate as they come. These redfish tank plants can be a great addition to your home or office aquarium, but there are some things you should know before diving in headfirst. 

This article will cover everything you need to know about red aquatic plants and their care requirements so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not these red beauties would be a good fit for your home.

7 Best Red Aquarium Plants

Red is one of the most popular colors in the fish tank hobby, red is bright and vibrant. Red aquarium plants are some of the most attractive red aquarium plant species available for sale today.

If you want your redfish tank to really pop then adding red aquatic plants can be a great way to make that happen. However, red aquarium plants have a wide range of lighting needs and they can be picky about the red light vs. blue-green spectrum that is available in your redfish tank.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about red aquatic plant care so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not these colorfully red aquarium plants are right for your redfish tank.

Here is the list of 7 best red aquarium plants that will make your tank attractive:

  • Ludwigia Palustris
  • Echinodorus Cordifolius (Mud King Red)
  • Rotala Rotundifolia (Pink Rotala)
  • Alternanthera Reineckii
  • Ludwigia Repens (Water Primrose)
  • Ammania Senegalensis (Copper Leaf Ammania)
  • Pogostemon stellatus

Ludwigia Palustris

The red Ludwigia Palustris is one of the most popular red aquarium plants, with its bright red color and easy maintenance. This plant can grow under low light but prefers medium or high lighting conditions and CO₂ supplementation to stay compact with vivid red leaves. Red Ludwigia grows well in almost all water types as long as nutrient and CO₂ levels are high enough.

Echinodorus Cordifolius (Mud King Red)

Echinodorus cordifolius (Mud King Red) is a very popular red plant in the aquatic community. It does best under bright light, but not direct sunlight. CO² supplementation is required for red Echinodorus cordifolius to stay red and healthy. This thin stem plant has red leaves with red veins.

Rotala Rotundifolia (Pink Rotala)

Rotala Rotundifolia is a red, perennial plant from South America. This red aquatic plant grows in wet soil or submerged fully in water and it is known as the “pink rotala” due to its pinkish coloration of new growth which later turns green with maturity. In an aquarium environment, Rotala Rotundifolia red plant needs high light and a nutrient-rich substrate to maintain its red coloration.

Alternanthera Reineckii

Alternanthera reineckii red is one of the best red aquarium plants with red leaves. It will show you its exuberance in low light conditions and needs moderate to high lighting conditions also. It can be grown successfully with CO-02 supplementation along with liquid fertilizers containing iron, potassium, and magnesium at half strength every week.

Ludwigia Repens (Water Primrose)

Ludwigia Repens is one of the most commonly used red aquarium plants. It has red leaves and red stems which make it a perfect choice for beginners who want to add some red color in their tank, but without spending too much time taking care of the plants.

This red aquatic plant grows fast so you will have to trim it regularly. You can grow it both emersed and immersed, but if you choose the latter make sure to change at least 50% of the water every two weeks because red plants produce a lot of red pigments which will cause your tank to look dirty very fast otherwise.

Ammania Senegalensis (Copper Leaf Ammania)

The red color is one of the reasons that this plant is so popular. It has a red stem and red leaves, but unlike most red plants it comes in a variety of leaf shapes as well as colors from dark green to copper-red.

This aquarium plant grows quickly and can be trimmed back easily if it starts to take over your tank.

It needs to be planted in the substrate and will grow just fine with moderate lighting. Ammania red also know as red ammonia senegalensis likes bright light but not too much of it, so you can place this plant near your aquarium’s window or under a fluorescent tube during daytime.

Pogostemon stellatus 

Pogostemon stellatus is a red stem plant which is also known as Flame Moss. It grows red, green, and yellow stems with red leaves on top of them. This variety of plants does not grow too tall so it can be kept in the foreground or midground areas where more light reaches.

The Benefits Of Red Plants In The Aquarium 

Red aquarium plants add unique color and beauty to your fish tank, red is soothing for both humans and fish. Most red plants are soft to the touch, so they won’t damage your tank or cause any irritation for your fish.

– red aquarium plants help create a more natural environment in the tank 

– red is soothing for both humans and fish which can translate into lower stress levels for them too 

– red aquarium plants are great for beginners because red plants will help avoid sudden spikes in ammonia and nitrite levels  

– red plants will also help avoid sudden spikes in nitrate levels  

– red plants also help increase oxygen levels in the water which is important for fish health and growth

– red aquarium plants are soft to the touch which means they won’t cause any irritation for your fish like other types of aquarium plants might   

– red plants also add great color and beauty to your tank 

– red aquarium plants are good for beginners because red plants will help avoid sudden spikes in ammonia and nitrite levels  

– red plants will also help avoid sudden spikes in nitrate levels, which can cause problems with fish health over time if left unchecked 

– red aquarium plants also help increase oxygen levels in the water which is important for fish health and growth

– red aquarium plants are easy to take care of, red plants don’t need any special lighting or CO₂ so they are perfect for beginners 

– red aquatic plants will grow best under standard low light conditions but can thrive under red LED or red fluorescent lights as well 

– red aquarium plants are also known to grow even better in groups, so putting a few red aquatic plants together can help them thrive and create a more natural environment for your fish. 

Drawback Of Keeping Red Aquarium Plants

There is no drawback to red aquarium plants. In fact, red-colored leaves add to the beauty of the tank and they look attractive when placed against the green background. They are suitable for both beginners as well as experts. 

– red aquarium plants have more advantages than disadvantages.

Red Aquarium Plants That Are Good For Beginners

Red aquarium plants will not need constant attention from you if they are kept under red lights. They can be a great choice for beginner aquarist who has just started keeping the fish tank at their home. The red planet is also very flexible and adaptable to various water conditions so it will never cause any harm to the fish.

List of red aquarium plants which are good for beginners:

  • Red Cryptocoryne Wendtii
  • Ammania Senegalensis
  • Rotala Indica
  • Ludwigia Palustris
  • Alternanthera Reineckii
  • Pogostemon stellatus
  • Lobelia Cardinalis

How To Grow Red Aquarium Plants? Maintenance and Care!

A red plant is one that has red leaves. This red color might be because of various reasons like, it lacks enough light or due to lack of CO² in the water, etc. These red plants are very good for beginners as this will give them an idea about caring for and maintaining a planted tank. However, there are some red aquarium plants that are difficult to maintain and often change their red color because of a lack of proper care. A red plant needs good light, CO² in the water, and regular pruning for maintaining its redness.

Here is the right guide on how you can maintain red plants in your aquarium:

– You should start with red aquarium plants that are easy to grow. Avoid red plant species which require high light, CO² supplements, and intense pruning for their growth.

Red lights play an important role in keeping the red color of the red aquatic plants intact. So you might want to check whether your red planted tank is getting enough red light.

You should note that red aquatic plants can survive in any aquarium conditions; however, they will be read-only when the water parameters are good for them like light, CO², and other things.

So there is no need to worry about red plants turning green because of lack of red lights or low levels of CO² etc. You just need to provide red aquarium plants with the things that they need and then watch them grow beautifully.

Also, you should regularly prune red aquatic plants as it will help in their growth and also keep your planted tank clean from algae, etc. Make sure not to prune more than required as red plant leaves are very delicate and can easily break up during pruning.

You should feed red aquatic plants because red plant species are not really algae eaters hence they need to be fed in order to grow properly and keep your tank clean. You can use either of the two methods for feeding red aquarium plants: you can place red aquarium food directly on their leaves or you can mix up them with other fish food and let the red plants eat whatever they want.

How To Keep Red Aquarium Plants Always Red?

Red aquarium plants are red because of the red pigments in them. Red aquarium plants need red light for photosynthesis to happen and make food through the process called “photosynthesis”. So, if you want your red plant always red, keep it under red lights or grow it indoors where there is sunlight only during daytime (no artificial lighting).

Do Red Aquarium Plants Need CO²?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest red aquatic plants require more carbon dioxide than other species. However, it has been shown that red pigments are enhanced by certain concentrations of carbon dioxide so if you want your redfish tank plant’s color to be even brighter then adding a little bit of extra carbon dioxide might be beneficial.

Do Red Aquarium Plants Need Red Light? 

Red aquatic plant species can typically grow in a wide range of lighting conditions, but they will generally have the most vibrant coloration when exposed to red or blue-colored lights. If your redfish tank happens to have these colored LED’s then you are all set! However, red-light bulbs can be a bit expensive and you might have to settle for other colors if red is not an option.


In conclusion, red aquarium plants are some of the most popular species in the fish tank hobby but that doesn’t mean they should go into every home or office aquarium. If your goal is to add a splash of color to your redfish tank, red aquatic plants are a great choice. They can typically thrive in a wide range of lighting conditions and they will grow quickly as long as the other basics needs for red aquarium plants have been met.

If you want to give your redfish tank an extra pop of color then adding some red aquatic trees is definitely worth considering but if red is not your favorite color then you can still add red plants to your redfish tank by using red plant additives such as red shrimp foods.

There are some drawbacks to keeping these colorful aquatic plants, but the benefits typically outweigh the downsides and if you follow this guide on what do red aquarium plants need, taking care of red aquarium plants will be a breeze!

Include red aquarium plants. How to grow red aquarium plants? What do red aquarium plants need? Do red aquarium plants need CO²? Can I use red plant food for my redfish tank, etc?

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