Is Blue Light Good For Aquarium Plants? Is That Good For Fish?

If you are looking for a way to make your aquarium plants grow better, or if you want an easy way to keep the algae under control in your tank, then there is one thing that is often overlooked: color. When it comes to aquarium lighting, not all colors are created equal.

That is why this article is going to discuss whether blue light is good for aquarium plants and fish too. In addition, we will explore what color of LED lights might be best for growing plants and how they react differently than other colors of light when exposed.

Is Blue Light Good For Aquarium Plants?

Is Blue Light Good For Aquarium Plant
Image Source: Canva

Blue is the color of the sky, water and is most commonly associated with cold.

When it comes to aquarium plants (plants found in saltwater or freshwater aquariums), blue light is a vital part of their life cycle. It is important for photosynthesis and can also help remove toxins from an aquatic environment.

The blue light is emitted by LED lights, fluorescent lights and is found in the sunlight.

When plants absorb this color of light it helps them grow better and absorb more nutrients from their environment.

Plants need to be exposed to a certain amount of blue spectrum light daily for photosynthesis to take place, which is why they are typically placed near a window.

The light is also good for the aquarium inhabitants because it is easier on their eyes and reduces stress levels. Plants make a good hiding spot from predators which makes them feel safe in an environment that is free of bright lights.

If there is no blue spectrum lighting, you should place aquatic plants under a light source that is either fluorescent or LED.

The blue spectrum is also an important part of the color cycle when it comes to a marine tank because this is what helps create many of the colors in coral reefs, which is why they are typically placed near blue lights.

Also read: Which light is best for an aquarium? White or blue light?

Is Blue Light Good For Aquarium Plants at Night?

Is Blue Light Good For Aquarium Plants at Night
Image Source: Canva

Blue is also important when it comes to the nighttime. In general, most aquatic life can’t see red or yellow colors very well which is why these are typically not used as a source of lighting during dark hours.

Yellow lights tend to scatter and reflect off objects in a room which is why they are not as efficient for viewing.

Blue lights don’t scatter or reflect off objects and tend to be more focused, so it is easier for aquatic life to see food when the light source is blue.

This is also a good reason why people who have difficulty sleeping at night should use this color of light because it is less stimulating and calms people down.

Also read: Should I turn off my aquarium light at night? What if I turn them on?

Does Blue Light Kill Plants?

Does Blue Light Kill Plants
Image Source: Canva

It is important to note that not all plants thrive in this type of light, which is why they need a combination of red and blue spectrum lighting for successful growth.

Aquatic plants prefer the full range of colors while terrestrial plants can be more selective.

Plants thrive the most when they have equal amounts of blue and red spectrum light.

These plants need a combination of both blue LED lights and red LEDs to grow successfully, which is why many professionals recommend using these in tandem for successful plant growth.

If you are unsure what is best for your plants, consult an expert or do some research to see which is right for them.

Is Blue Light In Aquarium Good For Fish Too?

Is Blue Light In Aquarium Good For Fish Too
Image Source: Canva

Just like aquarium plants, fish are also dependent on having a healthy dose of blue light in their water to thrive and live efficiently. There is evidence that shows how it can help increase growth rates for baby fish as well.

The blue LED is the same as for plants and is also important because it can help remove toxins from their environment too.

Fish that are not exposed to blue light can hurt their eyes and will eventually lead to blindness.

Also read: 13 Signs of too much light on aquarium plants

What Color Light Is Best For Aquarium Plants?

What Color Light Is Best For Aquarium Plants
Image Source: Canva

Plant growth is directly influenced by the quality of light they get from an artificial source. Different colors of lights are better for different plants, so it is important to know which ones are best for your plants.

Plants grow better in blue light because they absorb it more than other colors of the spectrum from artificial sources. The color is ideal for giving them the energy to produce their own food through photosynthesis and is also good at creating a natural look with minimal effort or resources needed. 

Some people argue that LED lights are bad for plants because they emit blue light and are not natural, but this is not true. LED lights are a great option to grow plants if you want them to thrive in artificial environments like an aquarium where the quality of water is not as good

Glass is designed so that it blocks out certain colors from entering your environment. For example, light is often blocked out when it is harmful to plants or is not needed for them.

Ultraviolet lights are often used on aquarium screens so that fish can see each other.

The best color is a light that is natural without any blue or ultraviolet lights for plants is red because it is the least harmful to them and also has a calming effect on humans. 

Plants grow better when they get enough water, proper sunlight, warmth (not too hot), and nutrients in the soil. Different colors of lights are not the most important factor for determining how much of these needs are being met.

Why Do Plants Grow Better In Blue Light?

Why Do Plants Grow Better In Blue Light
Image Source: Canva

It is believed that aquatic plant life is more efficient at utilizing light than any other type of color, which is why they grow better in a blue environment.

The blue is able to penetrate the water column and reach them better than any other color spectrum available for aquarium plants.

The blue is able to penetrate the water column and reach them better than any other color spectrum available for aquarium plants.

Blue is a natural wavelength of light, which is why it is believed that aquatic plant life is more efficient at utilizing this type of illumination. 

With yellow or red LEDs in an aquarium, there may be a chance of the plant being blocked by this color spectrum. 

With yellow or red LEDs in an aquarium, there is a chance of the plant being blocked by this color spectrum. 

Plants absorb blue light and convert it into energy that they can use to grow. 

Blue is able to penetrate the water column and reach them better than any other color spectrum available for aquarium plants.

Also read: Do fish need darkness to sleep? Know the fact!

What Color Do Plants Absorb The Most?

What Color Do Plants Absorb The Most
Image Source: Canva

Different colors of light are ultimately absorbed by plants and are converted to the energy it needs. This is why some aquariums are strictly blue or aqua colored as they need only a blue color spectrum for photosynthesis. Plants absorb red, green, and far-red (or infrared) colors that correspond with wavelengths in the 400nm – 700nm range. 

Plants that absorb more blue wavelengths will grow taller and faster due to the light’s ability to penetrate further into their tissues but is not as strong in photosynthesis when compared with other colors of light. Blue is also absorbed quickly by water which is why it cannot be used for aquatic plants unless they are placed on a platform or in shallow water.

In contrast, red is the color of light that is absorbed the least by plants so it is often used to grow certain aquatic plant species that require less blue light exposure. This is because these types of plants need more intense lighting for photosynthesis due to them living on the bottom and absorbing most of their nutrients from the soil.


The conclusion is that blue light is good for aquarium plants. It’s important to make sure the plant is getting enough air and moisture, but if your tank is well-maintained it should be a fairly easy task to keep them happy. If you are looking into adding some new plants or just want more information on what kind of lights are best for your plants, this is a great resource to check out.

Also, let us know what color light you have in your aquarium right now? Comment down.

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