Can Turtles Eat Oranges? 5 Things To Know Before You Feed!

Can turtles eat oranges? The answer can be found in this article! We will explore the benefits of eating oranges, how often to feed oranges to turtles, and other fruits that can be fed to turtles. This post is written for turtle owners who want to learn more about their pet’s diet.

In case you are in hurry and don’t have time to read the complete article. I have written an on-point answer for you.

Can turtles eat oranges? Yes, turtles can eat oranges, but they can’t peel them on their own. You can help your pet by peeling or slicing the fruit up into small pieces that are easy to swallow. It’s best to feed one orange twice a day.

Can Turtles Eat Oranges?

can turtles eat oranges
Image Source: Made With Canva

Turtles can eat oranges as can most animals. Some turtles can eat orange peels and some cannot, depending on the type of turtle you have. Baby turtles can eat oranges as can box turtles or red-eared slider turtles etc. 

Oranges are a great source of vitamin C-rich foods that provide many benefits for your pet turtle but there are also some risks of eating oranges.

This is why it can be helpful to understand the benefits and risks before your turtle starts munching on an orange or two at mealtime. 

By knowing what can occur you can better decide if this is right for your pet’s diet plan.

Please note that when feeding oranges to a turtle with any other fruits or vegetables you should only feed them in moderation as it can cause obesity which can lead to diabetes in turtles. So try not to overfeed the turtle these types of foods.

Can Turtles Eat Mandarin Oranges?

Turtles are actually the only animals that don’t like mandarin oranges.

Turtles cannot detect the smell of mandarin oranges, so they will not eat them or try to remove them from their shell.

The reason it smells like an orange to us is because of the chemical d-limonene. This chemical is not present in all citrus fruits.

But, if you peel its skin off, then that fruit will smell like an orange to humans too!

Interestingly, turtles can detect this chemical and they will usually avoid eating any type of fruit carrying this compound (e.g., whole pineapple).

Can Baby Turtles Eat Oranges? 

Baby turtles can eat oranges as long as they can digest them. 

Baby turtles can eat orange peels, but should not be given oranges with the peel on because of choking hazards and to avoid an upset stomach from any un-digested seeds. 

If you are unsure about whether or not your turtle can have oranges, consult a veterinarian for their professional opinion about what foods can be harmful to your turtle. 

All turtles can eat oranges, but they should not make up more than 15 percent of their daily diet.

Because too much citrus can cause problems for them such as diarrhea and lethargy which can lead to health issues or even death. 

For baby turtles, oranges can benefit by providing taurine, which can help to reduce the risk of cardiac defects. 

Make sure that you’re not overfeeding your baby turtles with oranges because it can cause them to become too fatty and unhealthy for their bodies. 

Can Box Turtles Eat Oranges? 

Yes, box turtles can eat oranges. 

The orange peel can also be eaten by box turtles.

However, only feed the turtle small pieces as it could become a choking hazard for your pet turtle if given too much at one time. 

The inside of orange can also be fed to them as well as long as there is no harmful substance on the inside such as pesticides. 

You can also feed the turtle orange juice and pulp, however, it should be diluted to half strength before feeding it to your pet turtles. 

Other fruits that can be fed to box turtles are apple slices, bananas (additionally cut into small pieces), figs, grapes, kiwi fruit with the skin on but seeds removed, nectarines, papayas, and peaches can be fed to your pet turtles.

Read this next: Are oranges safe for box turtles? Know these 7 benefits first!

Can Box Turtles Eat Mandarin Oranges?

Mandarin oranges can be fed to box turtles, as can many other types of oranges

This fruit is high in Vitamin C and can help boost a turtle’s immune system as well as provide them with their daily dose of this necessary nutrient.

These oranges also provide a good source of fiber, folate, and potassium. 

Can Red Eared Slider Turtles Eat Oranges?

Yes, red-eared slider turtles can eat oranges. 

The nutrients can be very beneficial for turtles. The orange peels can also provide a good source of fiber and other needed vitamins to the turtle’s diet. 

However, you must take note that certain types of oranges should not be given to your red-eared slider turtle because they could cause harm.

Can Yellow Belly Turtles Eat Oranges? 

 Yellow belly turtles can eat oranges. 

These turtles can also eat orange peels, but not the pulp part of an orange which is a bit acidic and can cause stomach upset in turtles. 

Baby yellow bellies can’t have oranges either since they can’t chew well enough to swallow them. 

However, adults can eat oranges without any problems as long as you cut up small pieces of the fruit.

Can Painted Turtles Eat Oranges?

When it comes to painted turtles. The answer is pretty simple. 

They can, but it’s not recommended that you feed them any amount of orange flesh or juice.

It can cause problems for their digestive system and they may end up suffering from intestinal blockages.

If they consume too much fruit containing high levels of citric acid (like oranges). 

The best fruits to feed painted turtles include those that are high in carotenoids and low in citric acid or ascorbic acid

This includes cantaloupe, grapefruit, strawberries, and watermelon. 

Can Snapping Turtles Eat Oranges?

Snapping turtles can eat oranges.

This can be good for them to have some healthy fruit in their diet, but it can also pose a risk if they are not fed the right type of orange or in moderation. 

Oranges can be difficult for a turtle to digest.

Snapping turtles are carnivores and need meat in their diet. 

They can also get vitamin A from certain plants if they are fed the right type of plant or combination of plants that have vitamin A in them.

Snapping turtles can live up to 40 years, so they must be fed the right fruits and vegetables. 

They can eat other types of fruit in addition to oranges, but not every type of fruit works for all snapping turtle species.

Can Musk Turtles Eat Oranges? 

Musk turtles are one of the smallest freshwater turtles, can be kept in a small aquarium. They are omnivores and can eat both meat and plants. 

Although musk turtles can live on an orange diet.

It is best to offer them other foods too as they have a very sensitive digestive system which can lead to many complications when fed with oranges only. 

To avoid any problems you can feed your musk turtle with the following foods:

  • Mandarins 
  • Apricots 
  • Peaches 
  • Cantaloupe 
  • Watermelons 
  • Carrots  
  • Collard Greens 
  • Lettuce  
  • Spinach

Can Turtles Eat Orange Peels?

can turtles eat oranges peels
Image Source: Made With Canva

Orange peels are not necessarily bad for turtles but can be difficult to digest. 

If they are given oranges in addition to their regular diet of turtle pellets and the like, then there is no harm in feeding them orange peels. 

However, since they can’t always metabolize this type of food very well, it’s best not to feed too many orange peels to them.

Orange peels provide a good source of vitamins and can give the turtle a better immune system as well as stronger bones. 

The peels can also help with weight gain, so this makes it easier to get those last pounds on your pet’s frame if necessary. 

Just be careful not to overfeed them too many orange peels since they may have a hard time digesting them.

Can Turtles Also Eat Orange Seeds?

can turtles eat oranges seeds
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When it comes to orange seeds. Turtles cannot digest seeds easily. 

However, when in captivity where there is no other food source available like insects and worms, then feeding them oranges with peeled can help maintain their health. 

We can also feed orange seeds to turtles, but the time of feeding should be limited.

Orange piths are not good for them as they can cause digestive problems like constipation and bloat.

Can Turtles Drink Orange Juice?

can turtles eat oranges juice
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Turtles can drink orange juice, and Also can enjoy a bowl of strawberry or raspberry salad. 

The peels and seeds of citrus fruits such as oranges should be removed before feeding to turtles because they are poisonous to them. 

It is best not to feed any citrus fruit at all unless it has been cooked (and the peels removed) or juiced and the juice diluted by 50% with water.

Benefits of Eating Oranges For Turtles

benefits of eating oranges for turtles
Image Source: Made With Canva

There are several benefits of feeding oranges to turtles. Turtles can benefit from eating both the flesh and peel, as long as they eat them separately. Oranges contain vitamin C which is good for your turtle’s health. 

Here is a list of benefits of eating oranges for turtles:

Oranges can provide turtles with Vitamin C which can help your turtle’s immune system

Oranges can also be a source of calcium that can help strengthen their shells and support bone health. 

Oranges can also be a source of Vitamin A which can help improve vision and promote healthy skin. 

Oranges can make them feel full, preventing your turtle from eating other things that may not be good for it.

Eating oranges can prevent constipation in turtles. It is important to know what kind of food they are getting that can help them prevent constipation.

Are There Any Harmful Effects of Eating Oranges For Turtles?

harmful effects of eating oranges for turtles
Image Source: Made With Canva

There can be harmful effects if you feed your turtles oranges that have been peeled.

The peel can contain a chemical called “limonene” which can cause kidney problems in some animals, including rodents and rabbits. 

However, there are no known adverse effects from your turtles eating oranges that have already been peeled.

You can safely feed your turtle orange flesh or peels as long as you know the right portions to give them.

If given in excess, it can cause diarrhea and intestinal blockage 

Eating too much can also lead to weight gain which can affect their mobility when swimming.

Overfeeding can also cause kidney problems.

Eating too much can affect their respiratory functions.

Do not feed oranges to turtles that are sick or have a weak immune systems. 

If you want to know how often to feed oranges to turtles, make sure not to overfeed them.

Limit the feeding time between three and six minutes per day.

Make it a point that they eat only orange flesh or peels in these few minutes.

How Often To Feed Oranges To Turtles?

how often to feed oranges to turtles
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When feeding oranges to turtles, it is important to note that most turtles can eat oranges in moderation.

Some box turtle owners choose not to feed their turtles oranges at all for health reasons, which can vary depending on the individual turtle’s needs (such as if they are sick or pregnant). 

A good rule of thumb when feeding orange halves to your pet turtles is to offer a slice once or twice a week, and use common sense when deciding whether your turtle can handle more. 

As with any new food item, it is important to introduce oranges into the diet slowly.

You can start by offering just one small piece of orange peel in the shell of an eastern box turtle for example, before gradually increasing how much you offer.

Orange can be a nutritious addition to your pet turtle’s diet, however, it can cause stomach upset if overfed or fed too often.

Always monitor how they react after eating oranges before deciding whether to feed them more in the future. 

Will Oranges Make My Turtle Sick?

will oranges make your turtle sick
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No, oranges will not make your turtle sick. 

However, eating orange peels can cause issues if you feed the peel to a box turtle as they contain high amounts of oxalates.

Which can lead to urinary tract infections and other health problems in some cases.

This is why it is important to let your turtle eat the flesh of an orange and not its peel. 

Oranges can cause a problem if you feed too many as it can lead to diarrhea, bloating, and other digestive issues which can be harmful to their health. 

It is best that they have slices or segments from time to time but don’t overdo it.

It can be tempting to feed your turtle oranges as they can seem like a great treat and can make them very happy. 

But, you have to remember that is not the only thing they need in their diet so try offering other fruits or vegetables instead of just oranges all the time for best results. 

Other Fruits To Feed Turtles?

other fruits you can feed your turtles
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Other fruits can be fed to turtles as well. Fruits like kiwi, strawberries, and apples can also make a good alternative for oranges. 

Avocados can potentially cause health problems in turtles due to the high-fat content of this fruit; however, it is still an option if given sparingly. 

The peels from these fruits can be eaten by turtles, but it can sometimes lead to intestinal obstruction. Just like with oranges, fruit can be fed daily or weekly depending on the size of your turtle.

Can Turtles Eat Kiwi?

Turtles can eat kiwi, but it is not a good idea. Kiwi is very acidic and the acid deals a lot of damage to a turtle’s digestive system.

The high acid in the fruit makes it difficult for turtles to digest, so they have a difficult time releasing nutrients from food.

Additionally, they lack an enzyme in their stomachs called pepsin that helps break down the meat and would add extra strain on their cramped stomachs trying to break down large pieces of this exotic fruit.

Can Turtles Eat Grapefruit?

Turtles can eat grapefruit, but more often than not they’ll avoid eating it because it provides them with no nutritional benefit.

When turtles do eat the fruit, though, it will quickly be expelled through their feces. Still, want to feed your turtle a grapefruit?

Here’s what you need to know:

Contains plenty of vitamin C and antioxidant benefits for humans; nothing for turtles; contains too much of an amount of oxalic acid that could damage the turtle’s kidneys and digestive tract; unfortunately causes diarrhea in many turtles.

Don’t worry – there are still tons of foods on this list that provide great nutrition for your turtles such as cranberries, spinach, cabbage leaves, and carrots!

Also read: Can painted turtles eat apples?

Can Turtles Eat Tangerines?

Sadly, turtles are not able to safely eat tangerines. Tangerine is nothing but mandarine oranges.

Turtles have an aquatic diet, so anything that they eat has to be less than 10% water in order for their bodies to digest it efficiently.

If they consume too much water or food with too high a percentage of water in comparison with the turtle’s body weight, they risk bloating and stomach distension.

Also read: Do turtles eat oranges?


can turtles eat oranges - conclusion
Image Source: Made With Canva

As can be seen, turtles can eat oranges. However, they are not recommended as a staple diet or even regularly due to the high sugar content of oranges that can cause harm if fed in large amounts over time.

The safest way is to feed orange slices about once per week and monitor your turtle for signs of weight gain, loss, or other changes.

If you have a turtle with certain health conditions such as liver disease, diabetes, kidney disease, etc., then oranges can be fed to them but only with the recommendation of a veterinarian and in small amounts. 

There are no harmful effects that can come from feeding your turtles orange slices too often aside from weight gain which can lead to other health problems. 

Feeding oranges can be beneficial for turtles as it can help with weight gain, can supplement their diet with vitamins, and can also serve as a treat once in a while.

But again only feed them orange slices about once per week or less depending on your turtle’s size, activity level, etc.

If you can’t feed oranges to your turtle, then you can always try feeding them other fruits we mentioned in the article.

Depending on the age of your turtle, they can eat oranges every day or only once every other day.

Have you ever fed your pet turtles oranges? Are they loving it? Let us know your answer in the comment section!

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